Business car sharing for leasing companies
Business car sharing as a leasing company and looking for a way to assist customers in efficiently organizing and deploying their fleets? Our Car Sharing System helps you promote the use of sustainable mobility among customers, save costs, and optimize fleet utilization rates.
What do you need as a leasing company for business car sharing?
All you need to start business car sharing is our Car Sharing System, consisting of a Skopei Vehicle Sharing Box and our software Topology. Create an administrator account and a corporate account for clients in Topology and commence business car sharing.
Vehicle Sharing Box
The hardware of the Skopei Car Sharing System consists of the in-house developed Vehicle Sharing Box. The Vehicle Sharing Box, in combination with our software, is the hardware you need for the sharing and management of cars with keyless remote unlocking.
In combination with our Topology software and app, users can unlock cars without the need for keys, while administrators have access to their own online management portal to manage the number of cars offered in total.
How does business car sharing work using our Topology software?
Business car sharing using Topology can be quick and easy with the following step-by-step plan.
Interested in the technical specifications of the Skopei Vehicle Sharing box for installation? Download the productspecifications of our Car Sharing System.
Business car sharing in practice
Every user who has been granted access by the administrator can reserve a car. At the beginning of the reservation, the user goes through a step-by-step process to ultimately unlock the car via the slider, without the need for keys. Each trip made is automatically linked to the user's reservation. As a result, only the user can view their own trips.
As a leasing company, you are always aiming to provide excellent service. That's why we offer extensive insights into the usage of the (shared) cars you operate through Topology.
As a leasing company, you manage the car and the corresponding service contract, while we facilitate the technology through the Vehicle Sharing Box and the Topology platform, which are solely billed to you. The car lease, the pass-through to the customer for the sharing technology, and other services are directly handled between you as the leasing company and the end user.
Case: Shared mobility for business relations - Alphabet Share
Alphabet Share, formerly Alphacity, is the new label of Alphabet Netherlands that utilises the Car Sharing System from Skopei to offer corporate car sharing to its existing and new business relations.
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